AI Writing: Pros, Cons, and Educational Concerns

27 August 2024
IT & Software
AI Writing


Content creation is among the areas that artificial intelligence (AI) has completely transformed. ChatGPT, along with additional AI technologies, are incredibly efficient and supportive given that they can produce content that seems similar to what had been composed by a human. However, there are a few issues with their application in educational environments. 

This article covers the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence (AI) writing tools, their accessibility, and cost, and highlights why these tools are unsuitable for use in educational environments.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence describes a machine's ability to carry out tasks that normally require human intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in writing employ sophisticated hardware and software to assess data and produce content. Common programming languages for AI development include Python, R, Java, C++, and Julia. The strong libraries and frameworks of these languages make it easier to create intricate AI algorithms.

How AI Writing Tools Assist in Content Creation

Because AI tools provide functions like grammar checking, plagiarism detection, and language augmentation, they are crucial for content creation. They do, however, have disadvantages, such as lower creativity and ethical worries over AI-generated content, even though they can help produce intelligible and grammatically correct language. 

Thus, human review is essential in guaranteeing the final content's authority, quality, and uniqueness. AI writing tools also free up authors' time to concentrate on higher-value duties like trend analysis and metrics analysis, instead of falling into the process of creating material.

How Does AI Work in Writing?

Artificial intelligence systems process large data sets to identify patterns and predict outcomes. The features provided by the writing tool ChatGPT include linguistic enhancement, plagiarism detection, and grammar and spell checking. These tools can execute numerous tasks quickly, simulating human-like thinking to solve complex problems.

 AI Systems and Data Processing

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems operate by consuming vast quantities of labelled training data, examining the data for correlations and patterns, and utilising these patterns to forecast future states. AI writing tools, for example, incorporate clever, iterative processing algorithms that learn from trends and characteristics in enormous amounts of data. 

Aiming to create a computer system that can mimic human behaviour and use human-like thought processes to solve complex problems, these systems can handle a multitude of tasks very quickly.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, short for “Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer,” is an AI chatbot that generates human-like text using natural language processing. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT can assist in drafting emails, writing code, composing essays, and more. Although ChatGPT's AI technology is efficient and convenient, it is similar to automated chat systems found in customer support.

ChatGPT's effects on education comprise positive and negative aspects, such as improved teaching tools and customised learning opportunities, as well as possible obstacles, such as concerns with academic integrity.

Who Created ChatGPT?

ChatGPT was created by OpenAI, a company launched in 2015 by scientists and businessmen, including Sam Altman and Elon Musk. The most notable sponsor of ChatGPT, released in November 2022, is Microsoft. 

The creation of ChatGPT is a critical step in the direction of OpenAI's purpose, which is to guarantee that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humankind.

Applications of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is versatile, aiding in various tasks such as:

  • Coding Computer Programs: By producing code samples, debugging code, and clarifying complex programming ideas, ChatGPT can help programmers.
  • Composing Music: ChatGPT can be used by composers and musicians to come up with fresh song ideas, write lyrics, and make melodies.
  • Drafting Emails: ChatGPT can help users draft professional emails, saving time and ensuring messages are clear and concise.
  • Creating Articles, Podcasts, and Presentations: Content creators can use ChatGPT to generate ideas, write scripts, and develop presentations.
  • Writing Social Media Posts: Marketers and social media managers can use ChatGPT to create engaging and relevant social media content.
  • Solving Maths Problems: ChatGPT helps instructors and students work through mathematical issues and comprehend complex ideas.
  • Discovering Keywords: To improve their content's search engine rankings, SEO experts might utilise ChatGPT to find pertinent keywords.
  • Generating Content for Websites: To improve the content of their websites, website owners can use ChatGPT to generate quizzes, articles, and blog posts.
  • Supporting Educational Activities in Schools: In educational settings, ChatGPT can help with class preparation, clarify complex subjects, and improve student learning via individualised tutoring.

Safety and Risks of Using ChatGPT

Despite being primarily safe, ChatGPT has several limitations, such as the potential to provide inaccurate or biassed content. Users must utilise the tool wisely and refrain from disclosing personal information. Government rules and guidelines must be established to guarantee the secure usage of AI systems.

Risks of Biased Content

Content produced by ChatGPT may be harmful or biased, such as misinformation or political propaganda. It is essential to talk about and comprehend the hazards related to ChatGPT, use it responsibly, and refrain from using it for actions that could be dangerous.

Is ChatGPT Safe?

Although ChatGPT is generally safe, users should use caution when disclosing sensitive information. Because the AI tool's responses are based on the data that it was trained on, it occasionally generates unsuitable or unexpected results. To reduce hazards, users using ChatGPT need to use caution and critical thinking.

Plagiarism and ChatGPT

Using another individual's work without giving due credit is known as plagiarism. ChatGPT may borrow without giving due credit to the sources of its information, even though it never copies text directly. This renders them unsuitable in educational settings and raises questions about academic integrity. Teachers are essential in ensuring that AI-generated content does not compromise academic integrity.

Is ChatGPT Plagiarism?

It is still unclear if ChatGPT is a source or a tool for plagiarism. ChatGPT does not copy any content, but depending on who offers it, it might find sources from other websites that have not been properly referenced in written content. This may result in problems with originality and integrity, particularly in educational environments where student work authenticity is essential.

Does ChatGPT Plagiarise?

Text generated by ChatGPT may unintentionally result in plagiarism because it exhibits similarities to already published material. Users need to utilise caution to avoid inadvertently plagiarising content when using ChatGPT. When using AI-generated text in one's work, proper citation and respect for academic standards are crucial.

TurnItIn and AI Detection

Student work is compared to a large database using Turnitin, a plagiarism detection tool. Because of its ability to identify content created by AI, it supports teachers in upholding academic honesty. Nevertheless, to prevent false positives, these instruments must be continuously improved as AI advances.

Can Turnitin Detect ChatGPT?

Instead of using freely accessible online data, Turnitin's model was trained using a sizable corpus of scholarly writing. It can identify any kind of AI-generated work with a 98% accuracy rate.

If an artwork contains the tag "AI-generated," this should be taken as a suggestion rather than an accusation. Turnitin may raise "false positive" flags on assignments; if not correctly handled, these could result in conflicts.

Does Turnitin Detect ChatGPT?

Yes, Turnitin can detect content generated by ChatGPT. Its advanced algorithms compare submitted work with a vast database, including AI-generated text. Educators rely on Turnitin to ensure that student submissions are original and free from AI-generated content that lacks proper attribution.

Pros and Cons of ChatGPT


  • Time-Saving: Delivers content and ideas quickly, saving time. ChatGPT can provide expedited solutions, such as essay ideas, a concise synopsis, or a list of synonyms for a particular term.
  • Writing Assistance: Assists in various areas, including grammar, writing articles, solving arithmetic problems, writing quizzes, choosing the finest openings for essays, and much more. For people who have trouble writing or require help with specific chores, this can be quite helpful.
  • Learning Tool: This can be a useful tool for comprehending user-generated information and self-improvement. One can understand the material generated by the prompt and discover how to employ AI as a potent tool by utilising ChatGPT.


  • Overreliance: Personal effort and creativity may suffer as a result. The new way to simplify life is to live in a world where routine tasks may be hacked and improvised. You might discover that you are asking and answering fewer enquiries on your own if you depend too much on it.
  • Limited Creativity: This enables the generation of monotonous and uninspiring content. Some people think it is essential for efficiency, but a lot of creativity is stifled, making the material seem unclear, dull, or even repetitive.
  • Plagiarism: The hazards of producing plagiarism and academic dishonesty. After an AI Tool generates a text, ChatGPT can become extremely repetitious and occasionally undermine an entire article written by the original author.

Alternatives to ChatGPT


 Google's Chat AI Bot, Gemini, is entertaining to use and simple to grasp. It takes text input, just like its predecessor, and may be used for a variety of tasks like information search, story generation, coding, and more. It will evaluate a picture you send and answer any queries you may have. The learning experiences of children can be greatly impacted by a variety of AI tools, therefore selecting the appropriate tool for educational purposes is essential.


It combines the powers of OpenAI's GPT-4 with the Bing Search Engine, formerly known as Bing Chat, enabling it to continuously retrieve data from the internet and deliver updated results. Though similar to Gemini, it has a distinct feature and set of capabilities that might be more appropriate for some users.

ChatGPT Demo and Logo

ChatGPT Demo
Using the ChatGPT Demo, users can evaluate OpenAI's ChatGPT and determine whether or not to use it for work-related purposes. Learning and teaching experiences can be improved by using AI technologies like ChatGPT for educational purposes.

Without creating an account or utilising a fake IP proxy, users can utilise the ChatGPT demo on this website. This is also the reason behind ChatGPT Free's no-login software.

ChatGPT Logo
An iconic representation of OpenAI's cutting-edge chatbot technology is the ChatGPT logo. It is a well-liked tool for a range of applications, from business writing to casual conversations, as it embodies the combination of sophisticated AI capabilities with user-friendly design.  


When working on a big project, ChatGPT can be useful and ineffective at times. It is critical to consider the wider effects of AI tools on children's development and the significance of employing these tools appropriately. Using ChatGPT can be risky because AI is still being created and refined, even though it might assist you in writing articles for business or instructional purposes on particular themes. It is therefore advised to use caution when utilising it. Nevertheless, using ChatGPT is generally not recommended. You can learn the facts and the truth about a wide range of subjects by conducting research.

 Using ChatGPT and other AI writing tools in education comes with a special set of difficulties. These technologies present serious hazards to academic integrity and creativity, even if they can be of great service and improve learning experiences. Teachers and students need to use caution while using these tools to ensure they are applied morally and properly.

 We can effectively traverse the intricacies of artificial intelligence in education by striking a balance between utilising AI for its benefits and upholding the validity of educational assessments. The effect of AI tools on children's education also emphasises the necessity of their proper use to guarantee that they enhance rather than detract from educational goals.

 For those interested in exploring AI and its applications, consider the AI and machine learning course offered by The College of Contract Management.