
Definition of equations

Equations are formulae in mathematics that express the equality of two values. These are a way to solve unknown variables. They also show that two amounts are equal and without the equals symbol, it is not an equation. An example would be 4 + 6 = 10, or 10 - 3 = 7. Additionally, there are different types in other parts of mathematics. Even science has them as well.

Who invented equations?

To start, it would be best to know that the inventor of mathematics is Archimedes. He is a Greek mathematician, astronomer, and engineer. With the progress of mathematics came equations and formulae. Diophantus of Alexandria then extended math into what is now algebra today. Then the one who translated and understood the work was Muhammad ibn Musa-Al Khwarizmi, who gave more of the algebra and equations that are present now.

Throughout the years, many mathematicians, and engineers have made to improve it. These became many and even Descartes contributed to it. A mix of algebra and geometry shapes our algebra today. Simply put, many people are responsible for the way equations are as they are today. Furthermore, it took trial and error, theories, and even philosophy to form the idaea into what we use now.

Can they only contain numbers?

For simple ones, they can, especially those that do simple operations. These simple operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. To explain more, they only need numbers rather than finding "X" or "Y". These equations only deal with numbers but for algebra, geometry, and even scientific ones, variables and letters are added. In summary, it can be both for numbers and no numbers, depending on the use or intention you have. You can use it in business and finance too.

They are important because using them finds certain things such as speed, time, and distance. It factors in many situations in life as well. Your ways to save money, your calculations when using transportation, and everything else are connected. Using them also improves critical thinking. Additionally, you can also improve your problem-solving skills.

Most of all, they are important because they are usable in real life. Almost every situation has equations. In everyday things to school settings, you have it as well. You can even teach it as well and gain more from learning it for others too. 

How do they come to life?

The way equations are made has a few things. Mathematicians observe natural events, number data, and concepts. After a period of observation, hypotheses are made and they make use of other techniques to try and see which works. Next is validity. They make sure that they can provide validity to their ideas. This can involve reasoning and logic, and theorems too. 

After that, they would need to polish the idaea and then test it against proven data. This helps them understand how far it can go and be ready to use it as well. 

Are equations consistent?

If it has at least one solution then it is consistent. Without a solution, the equation can be tricky to understand. Think of it as the primary way to solve things and without it, you'll be stuck for hours. Consistent ones offer many solutions and plenty of ways to solve the same thing. Inconsistent ones however are not showing solutions but contradictions. 

In an ideal setting, a consistent one would be far more helpful. Compared to inconsistent ones, you would at least get the answer more quickly.

I want to learn more about equations

Many courses make use of equations to understand things. In the College of Contract Management, there are many courses you can find connected with numbers. There will always be a bit of math but that is exactly the way to use it. In courses with numbers concerned, you can practise and learn. You can even grow from it and see how it applies to your everyday life. 

You don't need to stay limited in the classroom, you can make use of your home and time. A practical use to something that was just math and science. Furthermore, you get to understand different types of equations. With so many courses, you'll see how much of it is not so different. Go and see the difference between classes with the CCM.




Article written by Vanity Nayve
Vanity sees herself as someone who likes to discover new things everyday. She often reads and writes in her free time and constantly improves the way she writes. When she isn't writing for the college, she can usually be found gaming or watching movies.

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