Top Online Business Courses for Boosting Salary Potential in 2024

10 September 2024
Personal Development
Business Courses

Business courses play a crucial role in shaping up for excellent management roles; thus, they are essential for developing key leadership skills. Your decision over the next few years will in fact, define the type of business professional you may want to be. Whether you want to be effective leaders or an aspiring entrepreneur, equipping yourself with the essential knowledge, skills, and mindset is imperative in navigating the complexities of today’s corporate mindset. 

The Path: Choosing a Business Mindset on Business Courses

Roadmap 1 - Be the owner you wish to be

Firstly, you can position yourself to be an effective entrepreneur; this can truly enhance your skills through targeted business courses. In fact, Statista reported that the United States posted an increasing entrepreneurship rate of almost one percent for every 100,000 after 2021. This trend, therefore, underscores the rising participation in entrepreneurial ventures In 2024, Statista also reported that startups are dominating the Asia Pacific region, with technology and internet business raking in the numbers. Most of them considered as unicorn companies, enterprises that are already valued at 100 Billion US Dollars. These businesses are receiving private and government investments not just because of their success-bearing business plan, but the right business people- top tier graduates of business courses who are literally handpicked for the job.

Roadmap 2 – Be that indispensable think tank that business owners want to have 

Secondly, you can embark on a embark on a business career. To date, there are about 359 million companies worldwide with global economic growth expected to project steady growth until 2026 as reported by the World Bank Group. Indeed, it may not be surprising to know small and medium enterprises make up 90% of these companies. Furthermore, most of these owners in their 30s to 50s, graduates of business courses and have prior experience working in the industry or field of their business. However, half of the businesses may not survive to enjoy their total return of investment in five years, and more than half of the remaining business are bound to shut down before their next five years or so. Failure is due to not having the right market fit, wrong business team, and an unsuccessful business plan. 

So what is a common trail between these two paths? This will be the right people for the job – basically, graduates of business courses.  

The Choice: Deciding among top business courses

The following business courses serve both career aspirations – whether you’re aiming to launch a successful startup or excel in a corporate management role. A sound educational background in business  offers a specialized track to cater to your entrepreneurial ambitions. Consequently, it prepares you for various aspects of entrepreneurial success.  This entails business principles and development, business strategy and techniques, management and leadership. Conversely, for those pursuing a career in business management, program offerings may focus on strategic planning, operational management, high impact management and leadership.  Selecting a course that is aligned to your professional objective serves a guaranteed impact in your chosen career.

Digital Marketing 

A Digital Marketing Course provides online strategies and techniques aimed at promoting brands through various digital platforms. Additionally, it emphasizes on marketing principles and tactics in search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, email campaign, and affiliate marketing.

Possible career direction: 

  • Digital Marketing Specialist/manager
  • Digital marketing Consultant
  • SEO Manager
  • Social Media Specialist/manager
  • Content Marketer
  • E-mail Marketing Specialist
  • Pay per click (PPC) Specialist/Manager
  • Web Designer

Estimated earning: 
36,000GBP- 89,000GBP(Entry to Senior Level)
39,000 USD – 260,000 USD (Entry to Senior Level)

Possible business venture:

  • Digital Marketing Agencies 
  • Digital Marketing Consultancy
  • SEO Consultancy
  • Social Media Management Agency
  • Content Marketing Agency
  • Affiliate Marketing Company
  • PPC Advertising Agency


An E-commerce course  takes on the principles of economics and business with software programs and Internet-based applications that specifically focuses on operations management, computer architecture, systems development, and computer algorithm.

Possible career direction: 

  • Web Developers
  • E-commerce Specialist/Manager
  • E-commerce Consultant
  • E-product Manager
  • PPC Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Business Developer

Estimated earning:
35, 300 GBP – 92, 500 GBP (Entry to Senior Level)
37,500 USD - 171,000 USD (Entry to Senior Level)

Possible business venture: 

  • E-commerce Consultancy
  • B2B Selling
  • Dropshipping
  • Fashion and Beauty Brand Recommerce
  • Online Shop 
  • Website Development and Hosting


Accounting and Finance

An Accounting and Finance course looks into legal and operational principles that are required in creating reports, financial statements, cash flow, budget and tax management.  Specifically, it also covers best practices for financial analysis and compliance.  Moreover, it equips you with the skills to ensure financial accuracy and compliance.

Possible career direction:

  • Corporate Accountant
  • Investment Analyst
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Investment Banker
  • Risk Manager
  • Bookkeeper
  • Accounting and Finance Specialist/Manager
  • Budget Analyst 
  • Tax Consultant
  • Tax Examiner
  • Cost Estimator
  • Auditor

Estimated earning: 
39,100 GBP- 68, 200 GBP (Entry to Senior Level)
Between 44,000 USD – 101,000 USD (Entry to Senior Level)

Possible business venture: 

  • Bookkeeping Services
  • Payroll Services
  • Tax Preparation Services
  • Auditing and Assurance Services
  • Business Consulting
  • Forensic Accounting Services
  • Personal Financial Planning and Consulting

Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

A Data Analytics and Business Intelligence course covers learning in business intelligence and data science – from fundamentals to analysis and visualization.  Furthermore, it enhances your ability to make data-driven decisions.

Possible career direction:

  • Business Analytics Specialist/Manager
  • Business Intelligence Manager
  • BI Developer
  • BI/Data Analyst
  • BI/Data Consultant
  • BI Executive
  • Data Analytics Manager

Estimated earning:
38,000 GBP – 79,000 GBP (Entry to Senior Level)
45,000USD – 163,500 USD (Entry to Senior Level)

Possible business venture: 

  • Data Analytics Services Company
  • Big Data Consulting Services
  • Data Management and Security Agency
  • CRM Consulting Company 
  • Fraud Detection Agency
  • Social Media Analytics Agency

Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation

An Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation course allows you to explore what makes an innovative organization.  Additionally, it provides insights into developing modern business strategies. Moreover, it allows you to learn on progressive business skills and emerging technologies, as well as develop technology-supported and culture-driven business plans.  

Possible career direction:

  • Business Analyst
  • Business Consultant
  • Management Consultant
  • Operations Manager
  • Chief Executive Officer

Estimated earning:
37,000 GBP – 78,500 GBP (Entry to Senior Level)
40,000 USD – 110,000 USD (Entry to Senior Level)

Possible business venture: 

  • Management Consulting Firm
  • Sales and Marketing Agency
  • Investment Company
  • Manufacturing and Distribution Company
  • Wealth Management Firm

Leadership and Management

A Leadership and Management course is keen in developing business and organizations to effectively deal with the rapidly-changing professional landscape. Therefore, it equips leaders with the skills needed to navigate and adapt to these changes. It actually allows you to lead in strategic decisions in project analysis and management, strategic planning, human resource development, business consulting, and organizational communication. Consequently, you can effectively guide and influence various aspects of an organization.

Possible career direction:

  • Business Analyst
  • Management Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Chief Executive Officer

Estimated earning:
39,000 GBP – 70,000 GBP (Entry to Senior Level)
51, 300 USD - 122,000 USD(Entry to Senior Level)

Possible business venture: 

  • Management Development Consulting Firm
  • Business Brokerage Firm/ Franchise
  • Management/ Executive Coaching Agency
  • Financial Planning and Advisory Services
  • Real Estate and Investment Services

Final Thoughts on Business Courses

Deciding on a degree or certificate program among a plethora of business courses should indeed always be based on a strategic thought process; therefore, careful consideration is crucial. It should basically develop your business instinct and should prepare you for your future work in finance, marketing, operations, and leadership. Whether you want to be have a successful management career or would like to start your own business, rely on the College of Contract Management UK to expertly address your educational needs



Article written by Jennifer Lim
Jenny is a writer and an educator with a passion for pop culture, storytelling, and all things vibrant in life. Whether crafting compelling narratives or engaging with her students, she brings a love for language, culture, and connection into everything she does. When not immersed in books or instructional materials, Jenny can be found savouring food, great conversations, and the beauty of everyday moments with family and friends.

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