Exterior Angle Formula: Polygons and Angles

23 September 2024
exterior angle formula

What is the exterior angle formula?

The exterior angle formula first defines exterior angles. Exterior angles are angles that are parallel to the inner angles of a polygon. The formula for this would be 360° / n. Or the exterior angle of a polygon (360°) divided by the number of sides. 

What about interior angles?

Interior angles are those that are inside a polygon. What is outside is the parallel, the exterior angles. Polygons have one interior angle per vertex. Calculating interior angles is done through the sum of interior angles. By which is subtracted by 2 from the number of sides and multiplying by 180°. That is how to get the interior angle.

Where to use the exterior angle formula?

You can use the formula to find out the missing value of a polygon. Additionally, you can use it for the triangle. For polygons, the formula is to prove that each interior angle and its exterior angle are all supplementary. As most formulae go, they function to find any missing value or confirm the results correctly.

Examples of the exterior angle formula

There are a few ways to make use of the exterior angle formula. Finding missing values, getting the angles, and the like. Which applies to triangles and polygons. As shown below, this is one example of the formula on a polygon.

Here is an example of how the formula would be made use of with a triangle. For the triangle, the formula is 180° - Interior angle. And that is how the exterior angle will be found for a triangle.

Although the formulae can differ from each other, the idaea is roughly the same. In general, you look for the missing value and find the angle for a part of the shape. This is also very useful in real life.

Where can the formula apply?

Aside from using it on geometric shapes, you can make use of it in real life. This can solve real-world problems like finding the height of a building. Additionally, find the distance between two points and the angle of inclination of a slope. In the present, construction makes use of it to ensure that the corners of a building are at the right angle as well.

Land surveyors can also make use of it for measurements on the land. Specifically, to determine the size and shape of the land. Additionally, even astronomy can use it. This is done by calculating the distance between two celestial objects.

These are a few real-life applications of the formula or theorem. There are many more but these few ones deal with finding the unknown values.

Why use this formula?

Using the exterior angle formula could be for many reasons. First, you may need measurements for a land or building. This is important for construction workers, engineers, and the like. Because without accurate measurements, buildings won't be usable or possible to make.

Secondly, astronomers also make use of it because it helps for activities in space. That is to say, it helps with their objectives. This includes determining satellite paths, rockets, and space vehicles. 

Lastly, it is also because determining angles in places helps. What for, you may ask? Determining how big the land is and its every angle means utilising it well enough. It would ensure that safety and size are accounted for. This is why land surveyors may make use of it too.

Other uses for exterior angle formula

Angles in general are all over the world. In the present, we are also surrounded by angles. This is evident with the use of a four-way stop road. Altogether, hand-in-hand, there are angles on where to turn and such. Roads and curves are also angles. The formula is no doubt usable to obtain which angle there is to make a turn.

From roads to buildings and even architecture. The way things are made has twists and turns. There are angles on where to go and that is the one way to truly understand its other uses.

Learn more about where angles go in the CCM.

For future construction enthusiasts, engineers, and architects, there are many courses to understand angles better. Not just angles either but numbers in general. As we head into the future, numbers will matter. In the College of Contract and Management, architects, engineers, and construction workers will become more familiar with where angles matter.

Start the path to construction, engineering, and architecture with the CCM. See more on where angles come to life and be part of the increasing use of angles in real life.

Article written by Vanity Nayve
Vanity sees herself as someone who likes to discover new things everyday. She often reads and writes in her free time and constantly improves the way she writes. When she isn't writing for the college, she can usually be found gaming or watching movies.

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